Directions to Flora Farms
Below are the driving directions and a map to Flora Farms.
Driving Directions
to Flora Farms
1. When driving on the highway from Cabo San Lucas, turn right (towards the ocean) at the first stop sign (just after La Comer Supermarket) when entering San Jose del Cabo.
2. Continue approximately 2 blocks and turn left at your next stop sign.
3. You are now driving parallel to the beach and passing numerous hotels (on your right). Immediately following Vidanta Hotel, turn left onto Blvd. Mijares towards downtown San Jose del Cabo.
4. Continue approximately one mile and turn right at the first traffic circle, heading towards the bridge that goes to the Puerto Los Cabos marina, La Playita and Flora Farms.
Fisher King Sculpture
5. After crossing bridge, you will see a 25-foot tall “Fisher King” sculpture and entrance to “Puerto Los Cabos”. Proceed straight at this traffic circle (#1)
6. At the next traffic circle (#2), continue straight.
7. At the next traffic circle (#3), continue straight, again.
8. At next traffic circle (#4), turn left, towards the East Cape and El Encanto de la Laguna. Do not turn right towards La Playita.
9. About a half mile up the road, you will see a Flora Farms sign directing you to turn left up and onto a bumpy dirt road.
10. Continue up the winding dirt road and follow the signs leading down and into Flora Farms.
Is your visit real estate related?
Are you heading to Flora Farms to enjoy a Walk-Through of the model home or to attend a real estate Discovery Experience? Upon your arrival to Flora Farms, please inform security that you have an appointment to see real estate. A Coveted Group Property Hosts will be expecting you.