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Flora Farms Owners Directory

Helpful links for navigating your Flora Farms real estate ownership

Featured Links:

👉 The Lofts at Flora: Delivery and Pre-Sales Launch - Building A of The Lofts at Flora opens this coming March 1st, 2025! Learn more here.

👉 Not Receiving Flora’s Emails? - Visit this link to make sure you are signed up.

👉 Referral Program - Spread the love of Flora Farms living. When you refer someone, they'll receive gifts on your behalf and an invitation to explore more. If they make a purchase, you'll earn a referral commission.

Other Links:

👉 Payments - Directions on how to make payments to Flora Investments.

👉 Use Calendar - Check-in and check-out dates for the weeks you own. 

👉 Arrival Notice - Please complete this Arrival Notice before each of your stays.

👉 Non-Staying Notice - Not staying this year? Please complete this Non-Staying Notice to let Flora know.

👉 Post-Stay Feedback - How was your stay? Click this link to let Flora know!

👉 Rental Program - Generate passive income by renting some or all of your inventory through Coveted Stays.

👉 FAQ’s General - General frequently asked questions.

👉 FAQ’s Legal - Legal frequently asked questions.

👉 Communication Center - Please use this form to communicate directly to Flora Farms’ upper management.

👉 Contact Confirmation - New physical or email address? Not receiving our Email Newsletters? Use this link to update your contact information.

👉 Notices - Important notices regarding your ownership or stays at Flora Farms.

👉 Facebook Group Rules - Please adhere to these rules when using the private Facebook Group.

👉 Understanding the Beach Products - The Beach Club vs the Beach Bunkhouses vs the Beachfront Flats.

👉 THIRDHOME - Your Flora Farms real estate ownership entitles you to a complimentary initiation fee to THIRDHOME, allowing you to trade your time at Flora for stays at luxury properties, residences, and world-class resorts in up to 94 countries.

👉 Want to Resell Your Inventory? - Email for the password to enter this page for resale details.

Not finding what you are looking for?

Please contact us so that we can further assist you.