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We’re not going to sell you.

There is no need to dazzle you with a feel-good video, speak to your identity through hipster design, or sell you with slick copywriting. Instead, we’re just going to be ridiculously transparent.

We are “The Coveted Group”, the exclusive broker of what we believe are the most unexpected, lowest-density, and most kickass vacation properties in all of Los Cabos (and some would even argue, in all of Mexico or even the entire world) —which are the private real estate communities at Flora Farms, and the Beachfront Flats by El Encanto De La Laguna.

The real estate at these properties is not available to the general public and cannot be found on MLS or through other real estate agencies. Our style of marketing and advertising these destinations is by physically showing them, in person, to as many of the “right” people as possible; so that those people can share their private experiences with their friends and family and through their social media. We have learned that nothing beats sincere word of mouth –nothing!

And when we say the “right” people, we mean that we specifically target people just like you. Because your interests and values lend themselves to either choosing to own at these communities or becoming ambassadors of these communities by spreading the word about what they have seen and experienced.


Everyone loves a fantastic gift.

The way we make all of this happen is to gift people. We do this by offering impulse Cabo vacations. Meaning, we offer people like you ridiculous deals that are simply too good to pass up. Deals that are so good that people like you can easily jump on them, on impulse, without the need for any budget planning or overthinking. Here are some of the current and available bribes, which are based on availability and are of course limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis:

3.5 Bedroom Culinary Cottage

This stunning home private gardens of the world-famous Flora Farms in Los Caboskvjlfnjkfne fnrejn kf nejkrf enf erfjk enrfgj erng kerngkrngvkj egn ngre gnkre glkend glner kgnelk fgnel gner gnler gelrng elrgnle gnelg nerlg nlerng le gnelrgnrgre.

If you would like to get started immediately, please click here, or reach out to the THIRDHOME Team by phone at +1 (615) 678-4275. After calling or applying via the link, a THIRDHOME representative will be able to guide you through the membership process.