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Want a deep discount on a premium vacation in Los Cabos, Mexico? (Copy)

Below transparently explains our processes, revealing why we offer deeply discounted premium Los Cabos stays to qualifying clients, just like you.


Our Focus

The Coveted Group is the exclusive broker of what we believe are the most unexpected, lowest-density, and most unique vacation properties in all of Los Cabos —which are the private and deeded real estate communities on Flora Farms and at the Beachfront Flats.

Our Process

The deeded real estate at these properties is not available to the general public, cannot be found on MLS, and is not represented by other real estate agencies or brokers. Our method of marketing, advertising, and selling these destinations is fundamentally classic. We show these properties, physically, in person —to as many of the right people as possible. We have found that people who physically see these properties cannot help but share their fond experiences with their friends, family, and colleagues. We have learned that nothing beats sincere word of mouth —absolutely nothing! When we say the right people, we mean that we specifically look for people exactly like you. Your interests and values lend themselves to you either choosing to own or becoming an ambassador of these communities.

How do we do it?
By offering incredible discounts!

Our primary source of marketing is incentivizing as many people as we can. We do this by offering people, like you, highly discounted vacation stays, that are too good to pass up. Deals that are so appealing and so simple, that people can easily and quickly jump on them, without the need for heavy budget planning or overthinking. Discounts are available on a first-come-first-served basis and to qualifying clients only. Conditions apply.

Request a deeply discounted premium stay now!

To request your deeply discounted premium stay, complete this quick request here. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact us.