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Casa Blanca 🇲🇽

An exclusive beachside retreat on Los Cabos’ iconic East Cape, offering three unique opportunities for ownership or investment at this one-of-a-kind coastal paradise just 20 minutes from San Jose del Cabo.


Location, Location, Location

Reminiscent of Cabo in the 1960s and ’70s, the East Cape blends rugged desert landscapes with the Sea of Cortez, offering stunning ocean views, miles of secluded beaches, and world-class, uncrowded surf breaks—all connected by winding, unpaved trail roads that keep the spirit of old Baja alive. Yet, it’s just 20 minutes from Puerto Los Cabos Marina, Flora Farms, and Acre.

🔍 Click here to request details or pricing!

Three Unique Opportunities

1️⃣ Deeded Fractional Ownership –Own a titled share with exclusive use of a luxury residence, available in studio, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, or 4-bedroom estates. This is a true asset class—owners hold perpetual ownership with the freedom to sell, rent, or pass it on to their beneficiaries.

2️⃣ Boutique Hotel Suite Ownership –Own one of just five private hotel suites at Casa Blanca, earning passive monthly income when not in use while maintaining 365-day access.

3️⃣ Project Investment –Make a capital investment in the project’s development and earn monthly ROIs until your initial investment doubles. Investors also receive exclusive benefits, including discounts on ownership opportunities and hotel stays until their full investment and ROI are realized.

🔍 Click here to request details or pricing!


In this video, founder Derrick Grahn provides an in-depth look at Casa Blanca by Coveted, covering the three exclusive ownership opportunities, its location related to the airport and key Los Cabo landmarks, and detailed floor plans and images. It ends with on-site videos showing the property and the latest construction progress.

Video Chapters:

  • 0:00 Welcome

  • 0:10 Deeded Fractional Ownership

  • 0:59 Boutique Hotel Suite Ownership

  • 1:48 Project Investment

  • 3:28 The Location - Location, Location, Location

  • 5:25 Images and Renderings

  • 8:25 Floor plans (of the fractional residences)

  • 12:03 Drove Video and Construction Progress

🔍 Click here to request details or pricing!

“The Coveted Group’s niche is deeded fractional real estate, offering owners a titled asset that can be utilized, rented, or sold. They are currently involved in projects on Cabo’s East Cape, a 120-acre farm in Wisconsin, a 200-acre butte in Arizona, a 400-acre ranch near Baja Sur’s Todos Santos, and beyond.” —USA Today

“Every Coveted Group project is an artistic masterpiece where nature, architecture, and creativity converge to form landmarks intended to stand the test of time.” —Yahoo! Finance

“Valued in the hundreds of millions, The Coveted Group recently secured a significant endorsement and investment of $8.5 million from Aktiva Capital—a private investment fund based in Mexico City—and its partners. This investment kickstarts The Coveted Group’s vision of crafting an unparalleled residential experience at Nine Palms Ranch, aligning with the global demand for personalized, home-centric vacation home ownership, a market anticipated to reach $36 billion by 2031.” —Business Insider