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Meilahn Farms 🇺🇸

A legacy of family heritage and rural charm in Pickett, Wisconsin. Eco-cabins overlook rich wetlands, while a contemporary farm-forward event space—featuring a Quonset and barnyard—sets the stage for unforgettable memories.


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Investment opportunities coming soon.

Meilahn Farms
Since 1880


Nestled between the towns of Oshkosh and Ripon, Wisconsin, lies Meilahn Farms, a testament to enduring family heritage and rural charm. Since 1880, this cherished property has been in the family lineage of Derrick Grahn, carrying with it a rich tapestry of memories and traditions. Recently acquired by Derrick and his wife, Anastasia, their vision is to protect and preserve this cherished legacy, inspired by Derrick's deep-rooted connection to the land and the upbringing of his mother, Nancy Meilahn, who spent her childhood on this very farm. Formerly known as The Oaks Farm Dairy, it was here that Ripon residents first savored the purity of glass-bottled, pasteurized milk, a testament to the farm's dedication to quality and innovation.

For Derrick Grahn, Meilahn Farms isn't just a property; it's a repository of cherished memories and formative experiences. From his earliest days, summers spent amidst the verdant fields of Pickett left an indelible mark on his soul. Under the tutelage of his uncle Mick (Michael Meilahn), Derrick learned the rhythms of farm life, from the hum of tractors to the simple pleasures of homemade ice cream. Each moment, from picking stones to baling hay, became a thread woven into the fabric of his identity. The nostalgia of Pickett and this farm nurtured in Derrick a profound love for the land, inspiring him to safeguard its legacy for future generations.

Flora & Fauna

Meilahn Farms encompasses a harmonious blend of fertile farmland and pristine wetland, offering a sanctuary for both agricultural tradition and biodiversity. In a testament to their commitment to conservation, The Coveted Group embarked on a transformative journey in 2002, replacing tillable farmland with native heirloom wild grasses and wildflowers. This restoration project aimed to recapture the land's natural splendor, reminiscent of its pristine state centuries ago.

At the heart of the farm's allure lies its sprawling wetland, an intricate tapestry of life teeming with vitality. Towering cattails sway in the breeze, their graceful forms mirrored in tranquil waters. Delicate water lilies adorn the surface, painting a scene of ethereal beauty. Throughout the seasons, Meilahn Farms undergoes a mesmerizing metamorphosis. In spring, migratory birds return, filling the air with their melodic calls. Majestic sandhill cranes and ducks find solace amongst the reeds, while red-winged blackbirds add vibrant splashes of color to the landscape.

As summer unfolds, the wetland comes alive with a flurry of activity. Dragonflies dance in the air, while deer emerge from surrounding woodlands to graze on fresh forage. Autumn casts a golden hue over the landscape as foliage begins to turn, and Meilahn Farms becomes a haven for wildlife seeking respite.

Even in winter's embrace, the farm retains its allure, with the wetland transformed into a frozen tableau of serene beauty. Snow blankets the land, lending a sense of tranquility to the scene. Beneath the surface, a bustling underwater world thrives, each creature playing a vital role in the delicate balance of this enchanted sanctuary. Committed to sustainable practices, Meilahn Farms refrains from using herbicides or chemicals, ensuring the land remains untainted by harmful substances.

Special Events

Meilahn Farms' historic Quonset hut and barnyard area, once a hub of dairy activity, are poised to undergo a transformation into a versatile event space. Perfect for weddings, family gatherings, and community events, this space will serve as a beacon of hospitality and celebration. An on-site food and beverage program will service the events.


Meilahn Farms will introduce a collection of non-permanent eco-cabins overlooking the wetland in the spirit of sustainability and harmony with nature. These thoughtfully designed cabins, complimented with luxury appointments and housekeeping services, will blend seamlessly with the farm's ecosystem, offering guests a sanctuary amidst nature's splendor. The journey to each cabin is a scenic walk through the timeless farm, with vehicles left at the perimeter to maintain the serenity of the land. When mobility is essential, electric off-road golf carts stand ready, ensuring the farm’s ecosystem is undisturbed. This philosophy extends to every facet of life at Meilahn Farms, with the prohibition of hunting and fishing on the farm.

Hospitality & Amenities

Beyond the cabin sanctuaries, Meilahn Farms offers an array of amenities designed to nurture the soul and ignite adventure. Guests will enjoy sauna and hot tub facilities, communal fire pits, hiking trails, and an indoor activity center. A thoughtful food and beverage program featuring fresh, locally sourced ingredients will delight the senses. Guests will enjoy a carefree and immersive farm experience, forging memories that will last a lifetime.

“The Coveted Group’s niche is deeded fractional real estate, offering owners a titled asset that can be utilized, rented, or sold. They are currently involved in projects on Cabo’s East Cape, a 120-acre farm in Wisconsin, a 200-acre butte in Arizona, a 400-acre ranch near Baja Sur’s Todos Santos, and beyond.” —USA Today

“Every Coveted Group project is an artistic masterpiece where nature, architecture, and creativity converge to form landmarks intended to stand the test of time.” —Yahoo! Finance

“Valued in the hundreds of millions, The Coveted Group recently secured a significant endorsement and investment of $8.5 million from Aktiva Capital—a private investment fund based in Mexico City—and its partners. This investment kickstarts The Coveted Group’s vision of crafting an unparalleled residential experience at Nine Palms Ranch, aligning with the global demand for personalized, home-centric vacation home ownership, a market anticipated to reach $36 billion by 2031.” —Business Insider