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The Art District Lofts 🇲🇽

Exceptional deeded fractional ownership opportunities in the heart of downtown San José del Cabo’s Art District, Baja Sur, Mexico—creating a one-of-a-kind asset class—at Flamboyan.


Video Overview of Flamboyan

  • 0:00 Welcome

  • 0:10 Where it's located

  • 1:26 Exterior of Flamboyan

  • 2:19 Interior of the Art District Lofts

  • 7:12 Floor Plans

  • 8:53 The Private Owner's Only Spa

  • 10:20 Wrap up

More Than a Hotel

Flamboyan offers private residences through whole ownership and deeded fractional ownership—creating a one-of-a-kind asset class. Ownership at Flamboyan unlocks exclusive privileges, including:

  • Modern Art District Lofts: Flamboyan's studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom private residences transcend the hotel design and layout, showcasing modern residential-loft aesthetics and premium furnishings and appointments. Each is perched on the upper levels, offering sweeping, unobstructed city, mountain, and ocean views.

  • Exclusive Annual Ownership of the specific residence and months/weeks owned.

  • Freedom to gift, rent, or sell the ownership.

  • 24/7 access to the future owners-only wellness lounge —a private, self-service spa with a sauna, hot plunge, cold plunge, and an LED treatment and services room.

  • Priority seating on the pool terrace.

  • Complimentary access to the upcoming Rooftop Terrace Speakeasy.

  • Free e-bike usage to explore the Art District.

  • Discounted valet services and more!

A Glimpse Into The Art District Lofts

Click to enlarge any of the following images.

“The Coveted Group’s niche is deeded fractional real estate, offering owners a titled asset that can be utilized, rented, or sold. They are currently involved in projects on Cabo’s East Cape, a 120-acre farm in Wisconsin, a 200-acre butte in Arizona, a 400-acre ranch near Baja Sur’s Todos Santos, and beyond.” —USA Today

“Every Coveted Group project is an artistic masterpiece where nature, architecture, and creativity converge to form landmarks intended to stand the test of time.” —Yahoo! Finance

“Valued in the hundreds of millions, The Coveted Group recently secured a significant endorsement and investment of $8.5 million from Aktiva Capital—a private investment fund based in Mexico City—and its partners. This investment kickstarts The Coveted Group’s vision of crafting an unparalleled residential experience at Nine Palms Ranch, aligning with the global demand for personalized, home-centric vacation home ownership, a market anticipated to reach $36 billion by 2031.” —Business Insider